Many women are  stereotyped in songs by the male artists, and many women artists live up to the males stereotypical  image.  Why subject ourselves to that?  There are many real women, making real music, without  being calendar girl beautiful.  We use sex appeal to get us places...why is that?  In a perfect world,  everyone is accepted for who and what they are...the good, the bad, the ugly.  This is definitely not a perfect world...but we can attempt to change our distorted images back to our perfect utopia.                      


It is these kinds of pictures that do not help women.  So people think she's sexy...does she have to be half naked to still be sexy?  If she had pants on, on the cover of the magazine...would she still be considered sexy? Or would she just be another pop singer? Is this really necessary?

Now...  does she not look the same?  She seems to look, more respectable in these. 


So...what is considered sexy?  You don't have to look like you just had sex, to be sexy. So why are women subjecting themselves to that? 

Now...she's covered, she's sexy, she's talented, she's everything Britney is, cannot find any provocative pictures of Vanessa Carlton.


Many young teens look up to artists like why not set the best example possible?  Talented, fashionable, yourself.