Women in the Mormon Faith

Mormon Beliefs

Women are also told that, because they have the all- important ability to bear children. Men need the power of the priesthood merely to remain equal with them.

If a man felt his wife was not behaving properly, he could always find a more compliant one.

Because all women must be married to go to heaven, the pressure to conform to the expectations of men was incredible.

If a man was not content with his wife, Brigham Young "recommended...that he take a plural wife or two -- since this was a sure cure for a shrewish and recalcitrant female" (Fife 101).

Mormons, and particularly Mormon girls, are commanded to remain completely chaste until marriage. Girls grow up believing that their virginity is what makes them worth marrying (Laake 195), and they are told that "If you sully your body by allowing boys to touch it in forbidden ways...no good man will ever want to marry you" (Johnson 74).

 In order to enter the temple for the all-important marriage ceremony, Mormons must undergo a rigorous interview by their bishops about the intimate details of their sexual history to ensure their purity (Laake 86).

Mormon colleges today have dress codes for women which forbid shorts, short skirts, and other articles of clothing that could possibly incite a young man's lust.

Utah, in 1978, seventy percent of the teenage brides were pregnant at their weddings (Johnson 39).


Here is a Mormon's take on it.

I know it by heart because I have heard it enough times from family, friends, and people in ProLDS chat rooms.

Women are not oppressed in the church. They just have a different calling. They are to be mothers. Don't you think mothers are important? They don't need to hold the priesthood. They already have motherhood if they had the priesthood too, there would be no use for men.

Women should stay home and put career second because the women are best suited to raise the children. Women are to obey their husbands because that is the patriarchal order and the patriarchal order was established by God. If you have a problem with it than you have a problem with God.

We don't worship Heavenly Mother because there is more than one. We don't worship her because then people would curse and use her name, and she is too Precious to Heavenly Father for him to allow that.



Many Mormon men believe that they are not oppressing woman.  They actually believe that because women are more spiritual than men, their daily activities should be confined to taking care of the family.  Some men believe that it's perfectly okay to have more than one wife; and he's stunned when they don't get along in perfect harmony under the same roof...."The system did not even provide the camaraderie one might expect from a household full of women, for wives were often in competition for attention."  Mormon women must live in constant fear.  They are forced to do everything their husband says because it is believed that marriage is a woman's only ticket into Heaven.