
The Essentials:


       Atomic Number:  36                Atomic Mass:  83.8 amu

                        Melting Point:  -157.2 C           Boiling Point:  -153.4 C

                        #Protons/Electrons:  36            Neutrons:  48

                        Density:  3.74 g/cm3


    The History:

    Krypton was discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers.  After boiling away the water, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, and argon in liquid air, krypton was found in the residue.  Its name comes from the Greek "kryptos", meaning "hidden". 


    The Characteristics:

    Contrary to popular belief, krypton is not a green substance that takes away Superman's super powers. In reality, the element krypton is a colorless gas at its standard state (@ 298 K).  Solid krypton is a white crystalline substance with the cubic structure that is common to all the rare gases.  It is characterized by its bright green and orange spectral lines.  Krypton is the least abundant of the Noble Gases, found in the atmosphere at only 1 ppm (part per million). 


    The Uses of Krypton:

*Krypton is used with argon as a low pressure filling gas in fluorescent lights

*Krypton can be used in some photo flash lamps for high-speed photography

* The orange-red spectral line of Kr-86, a non-radioactive isotope of krypton, is used as the international definition of the meter


   ***Interesting Fact***

Krypton is not toxic; however, it could asphyxiate (suffocate) by denying the body access to oxygen

(this is the only way krypton could take Superman's power!)



by Lauren Westerfield